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Dresden State Art Collections
Heidelberg University
TU Dresden
Institut für Angewandte Statistik
This article, prepared in the form of a conversation among authors, discusses role museum’s repatriation human remains or sacred objects to Indigenous communities their efforts around Diversity, Equity, Access ibility, and Inclusion (DEAI). Presenting case studies from museums own research Germany US, authors observe that public programming, working concert with repatriation, can become tool for increasing DEAI benefits source communities, as well museum visitors staff. Given scarcity...
The post-9/11 wars have brought forth a new generation of military veterans in the US and rekindled debates about social psychological problems related to war experience. These produced plethora firsthand narratives diverse genres media. This article explores how public discourse civil-military relationships, experience, trauma, simmering since domestic divisions over Vietnam, turned such first-person recent years discuss costs homecoming. It interprets proliferation veterans' writing...
Abstract The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq initiated a surge of texts by US soldiers who utilized recent Web 2.0 technology to forge new types war narratives, such as the so-called “milblogs.” Milblogs merge letter journal writing with journalistic reporting, they maintain contact between their social environment. They are at once public private communication. Military psychology since Vietnam has referred warrior traditions Native American communities discuss narration ceremonial...
Abstract The post-9/11 wars produced a new generation of US veterans. As the military campaigns dragged on over extended periods, public discourse refueled ongoing discussions from Vietnam era about veterans’ social and psychological wellbeing. increasingly voiced concerns injuries such as posttraumatic stress, postwar reintegration struggles, suicides. This article will discuss two NGOs organized by for veterans to analyze how their activism responds sense crisis prevalent in these debates...
Previous articleNext article No AccessBook ReviewsKindred by Choice: Germans and American Indians since 1800. By H. Glenn Penny.Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013. Pp. xx+372. $45.00.Frank UsbeckFrank UsbeckTechnische Universität Dresden Search for more articles this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited The Journal Modern History...
The international symposium “Indigenous Peoples and the Environment” aimed at taking an inventory of scholarship on indigenous peoples with regard to environmental issues reflected role played by in production discourse practices regarding environment. Organized Lionel Larre Laurence Machet (CLIMAS), Antoine Ventura Verushka Alvizuri (AMERIBER) Universite Michel de Montaigne, conference attracted a very interdisciplina...
Im Sommer 1936 präsentierte sich Berlin den internationalen Besuchern der Olympischen Spiele als die Hauptstadt des wiedererstarkten und florierenden Deutschen Reichs. Die NS-Führung inszenierte pompöse Propagandaaktionen, diesen Status demonstrieren sollten. Gleichzeitig ergingen Anweisungen an Medien, Land Regime weltoffen, modern friedliebend zu präsentieren damit von politischen Repression, Rassenverfolgung Aufrüstung durch Nationalsozialisten abzulenken. 1 Für Wirtschaft Handel im Reich...
,,Schmerzlich war es uns…, daß ihnen unser Wohnen allhier nur deshalb erwünscht ist, weil sie jetzt den Tabak mehr in der Nähe bekommen können als früherhin.“ 1 Mit diesen Worten beklagen Missionare Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine aus Missionsstation Hebron Labrador das komplizierte Verhältnis zur lokalen Inuit-Bevölkerung im Nachrichtenblatt Unität. In diesem einen Satz drücken sich die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Missionstätigkeit und Wirtschaftsfaktoren Kolonialzeit ebenso wie durch globalen...