Michele Pasin

ORCID: 0000-0001-8909-7766
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Research Areas
  • Semantic Web and Ontologies
  • Natural Language Processing Techniques
  • Scientific Computing and Data Management
  • Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies
  • Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services
  • Digital Humanities and Scholarship
  • Historical Studies of British Isles
  • Research Data Management Practices
  • Topic Modeling
  • Scottish History and National Identity
  • Classical Antiquity Studies
  • Multi-Agent Systems and Negotiation
  • Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems
  • Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology and History
  • Logic, Reasoning, and Knowledge
  • Library Science and Information Systems
  • Complex Network Analysis Techniques
  • Machine Learning in Materials Science
  • Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • Big Data and Business Intelligence
  • Advanced Text Analysis Techniques
  • Reflective Practices in Education
  • Data Quality and Management
  • Education and Critical Thinking Development
  • Business Strategy and Innovation

Digital Science (United Kingdom)

Springer Nature (United States)

Digital Science (United States)

King's College London

Lancaster University

Dalhousie University

National Museums Scotland

Springer Nature (United Kingdom)

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

The Open University

Journal Article Factoid-based prosopography and computer ontologies: towards an integrated approach Get access Michele Pasin, Pasin Department of Digital Humanities, Kings College, London, UK Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar John Bradley Scholarship in the Volume 30, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 86–97, https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqt037 Published: 29 June 2013

10.1093/llc/fqt037 article EN Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2013-06-29

The semantic web vision is one in which rich, ontology-based markup will become widely available. availability of on the opens way to novel, sophisticated forms question answering. AquaLog a portable question-answering system whichtakes queries expressed natural language and an ontology as input, returns answers drawn from or more knowledge bases (KBs). We say that because configuration time required customize for particular negligible. presents elegant solution different strategies are...

10.2139/ssrn.3199356 article EN SSRN Electronic Journal 2007-01-01

Annotations played a major role in Classics since the very beginning of discipline. Some first attested examples philological work, so-called scholia, were fact marginalia, namely comments written at margins text. Over centuries this kind scholarship evolved until it became genre on its own, classical commentary, thus moving away from text with result that philologists had to devise solution linking together commented and commenting The problem is system canonical citations, special...

10.1145/2517978.2517981 article EN 2013-09-10

Abstract Assessing the disruptive nature of a line research is new area academic evaluation that moves beyond standard citation-based metrics by taking into account broader citation context publications or patents. The “CD index” and number related indicators have been proposed in order to characterize disruptiveness scientific This has generated lot attention recent years, yet there no general consensus on significance reliability disruption indices. More experimentation would be desirable,...

10.1162/qss_a_00328 article EN cc-by Quantitative Science Studies 2024-09-04

In recent years we have seen a proliferation of Linked Open Data (LOD) compliant datasets becoming available on the web, leading to an increased number opportunities for data consumers build smarter applications which integrate coming from disparate sources. However, often integration is not easily achievable since it requires discovering and expressing associations across heterogeneous sets. The goal this work increase discoverability reusability scholarly by integrating them highly...

10.4230/oasics.ldk.2019.15 article EN Language, Data and Knowledge 2019-05-20

In this paper, we present an ontology developed to support annotating and reasoning about philosophical knowledge. By term, refer both the factual domain of philosophers, concerning their lives publications, theoretical domain, ideas they have produced relationships. The provides a novel model, which brings together number existing formalizations series new ones. paper describe design ontology, in particular focusing on solutions devised address modelling problems natural language...

10.1145/1298406.1298416 article EN 2007-10-28

The growth of large, programatically accessible bibliometrics databases presents new opportunities for complex analyses publication metadata. In addition to providing a wealth information about authors and institutions, such as those provided by Dimensions also provide conceptual links entities grants, funders patents. However, data is not the only challenge in evaluating patterns scholarly work: These large datasets can be challenging integrate, particularly unfamiliar with schemas...

10.48550/arxiv.2301.10736 preprint EN cc-by-nc-sa arXiv (Cornell University) 2023-01-01
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