Josiane Xavier Parreira

ORCID: 0000-0002-3050-159X
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Research Areas
  • Semantic Web and Ontologies
  • Peer-to-Peer Network Technologies
  • Data Management and Algorithms
  • Advanced Database Systems and Queries
  • Caching and Content Delivery
  • Web Data Mining and Analysis
  • Recommender Systems and Techniques
  • Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services
  • IoT and Edge/Fog Computing
  • Access Control and Trust
  • Data Quality and Management
  • Complex Network Analysis Techniques
  • Context-Aware Activity Recognition Systems
  • Privacy-Preserving Technologies in Data
  • Topic Modeling
  • Natural Language Processing Techniques
  • Blockchain Technology Applications and Security
  • Human Mobility and Location-Based Analysis
  • Optimization and Search Problems
  • Advanced Image and Video Retrieval Techniques
  • Spam and Phishing Detection
  • Distributed systems and fault tolerance
  • Traffic Prediction and Management Techniques
  • Green IT and Sustainability
  • Smart Cities and Technologies

Siemens (Austria)

Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway

Max Planck Innovation

Max Planck Society

Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Our world and our lives are changing in many ways. Communication, networking, computing technologies among the most influential enablers that shape today. Digital data connected worlds of physical objects, people, devices rapidly way we work, travel, socialize, interact with surroundings, they have a profound impact on different domains, such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, urban systems, control management applications, several other areas. Cities currently face an increasing...

10.1109/access.2016.2541999 article EN cc-by-nc-nd IEEE Access 2016-01-01

The digitization of manufacturing industry has led to leaner and more efficient production, under the Industry 4.0 concept. Nowadays, datasets collected from shop floor assets information technology (IT) systems are used in data-driven analytics efforts support informed business intelligence decisions. However, these results currently only isolated dispersed parts production process. At same time, full integration artificial (AI) all is lacking. In this context, goal manuscript present a...

10.3390/s20195480 article EN cc-by Sensors 2020-09-24

Online communities have become popular for publishing and searching content, as well finding connecting to other users. User-generated content includes, example, personal blogs, bookmarks, digital photos. These items can be annotated rated by different users, these social tags derived user-specific scores leveraged relevant discovering subjectively interesting items. Moreover, the relationships among users also taken into consideration ranking search results, intuition being that you trust...

10.1145/1390334.1390424 article EN 2008-07-20

Online communities have recently become a popular tool for publishing and searching content, as well finding connecting to other users that share common interests. The content is typically user-generated includes, example, personal blogs, bookmarks, digital photos. A particularly intriguing type of annotations (tags) items, these concise string descriptions allow reasonings about the interests user who created but also generated annotations. This paper presents framework cast different...

10.1109/icdew.2008.4498369 article EN 2008-04-01

With the increasing availability of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, Local Dynamic Map (LDM) is becoming a key technology for integrating static, temporary, and dynamic information in geographical context. However, existing ideas do not leverage full potential LDM approach, as an contains streaming data varying implicit which are captured by current models. We aim to provide semantically enriched that applies Semantic Web technologies, particular ontologies, combination with...

10.1007/s13177-018-0154-x article EN cc-by International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 2018-03-26

Due to the rapid development of Internet Things (IoT) and consequently, availability more IoT data sources, mechanisms for searching integrating sources become essential leverage all relevant improving processes services. This paper presents search framework IoTCrawler. The IoTCrawler is not only another framework, it a system systems which connects existing solutions offer interoperability overcome fragmentation. In addition its domain-independent design, features layered approach, offering...

10.3390/s21051559 article EN cc-by Sensors 2021-02-24

The concept of smart cities envisions services that provide distraction-free support for citizens. To realize this vision, the must adapt to citizens' situations, behaviors and intents at runtime. This requires gather process context their users. Mobile devices a promising basis determining in an automated manner on large scale. However, despite wide availability versatile programmable mobile platforms such as Android iOS, there are only few examples city applications. One reason is existing...

10.1109/percomw.2014.6815176 article EN 2014-03-01

PageRank-style (PR) link analyses are a cornerstone of Web search engines and mining, but they computationally expensive. Recently, various techniques have been proposed for speeding up these by distributing the graph among multiple sites. However, none advanced methods is suitable fully decentralized PR computation in peer-to-peer (P2P) network with autonomous peers, where each peer can independently crawl fragments according to user's thematic interests. In such setting that different...

10.5555/1182635.1164164 article EN Very Large Data Bases 2006-09-01

There are millions of sensors being deployed all over the world. Data generated by these is provided in different formats and interfaces rarely associated with semantics that describe its meaning. The heterogeneity lack semantic descriptions pose a big barrier for accessing sensor data combining it other sources.

10.1145/1839707.1839763 article EN 2010-09-01

Using the CityPulse framework we developed a proof of concept application for Braşov public transportation company. The provides route recommendations and incident notifications citizens who travel by bus. This is achieved processing in real-time data streams about bus arrivals stations incidents reported citizens. was presented to representatives municipality transport

10.1109/icin.2017.7899440 article EN 2017-03-01

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers an incredible innovation potential for developing smarter applications and services. However, today we see solutions in the development vertical services reflecting what used to be early days Web, leading fragmentation intra-nets Things. To achieve open IoT ecosystem systems platforms, several key enablers are needed effective, adaptive scalable mechanisms exploring discovering resources their data/capabilities. This paper discusses our work EU H2020...

10.1109/giots.2018.8534528 article EN 2018-06-01

We present Juxtaposed approximate PageRank (JXP), a distributed algorithm for computing PageRank-style authority scores of Web pages on peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Unlike previous algorithms, JXP allows peers to have overlapping content and requires no priori knowledge other peers’ content. Our combines locally computed with information obtained from by means random meetings among the in This computation is based Markov-chain state-lumping technique, iteratively approximates global scores....

10.1007/s00778-007-0057-y article EN cc-by-nc The VLDB Journal 2007-06-25

The abundance of data in the context smart cities yields huge potential for data-driven businesses but raises unprecedented challenges on privacy and security. Some these can be addressed merely through appropriate technical measures, while other issues only solved strategic organizational decisions. In this paper, we present few cases from a real city project. We outline some exemplary analytics scenarios describe measures that adopt secure handling data. Finally, show how chosen solutions...

10.1109/wf-iot.2015.7389096 article EN 2015-12-01
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