Sonja Schimmler

ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-7250
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Research Areas
  • Research Data Management Practices
  • Scientific Computing and Data Management
  • Semantic Web and Ontologies
  • Data Quality and Management
  • Privacy-Preserving Technologies in Data
  • Usability and User Interface Design
  • Manufacturing Process and Optimization
  • Advanced Data Storage Technologies
  • Interactive and Immersive Displays
  • Innovative Human-Technology Interaction
  • Embedded Systems Design Techniques
  • Adversarial Robustness in Machine Learning
  • AI and HR Technologies
  • Video Analysis and Summarization
  • Machine Learning in Materials Science
  • Big Data and Business Intelligence
  • Big Data and Digital Economy
  • Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems
  • Web Data Mining and Analysis
  • Context-Aware Activity Recognition Systems
  • Data Analysis and Archiving
  • Natural Language Processing Techniques
  • Software Engineering Research
  • Radiomics and Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
  • Multimedia Communication and Technology

Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems

Technische Universität Berlin

Weizenbaum Institute

Berliner Hochschule für Technik

Universität der Bundeswehr München

Software (Germany)

Abstract Modern research methods produce large amounts of scientifically valuable data. Tools to process and analyze such data have advanced rapidly. Yet, access high‐quality remains limited in many fields, including catalysis research. Implementing the concept FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) community would improve this situation dramatically. The German NFDI initiative (National Research Data Infrastructure) aims create a unique infrastructure covering all scientific...

10.1002/cctc.202001974 article EN cc-by ChemCatChem 2021-03-10

Abstract The Open Science movement is gaining tremendous popularity and tries to initiate changes in science, for example the sharing reuse of data. new requirements that come with poses researchers several challenges. While most these challenges have already been addressed studies, little attention has paid so far underlying practices (OSP). An exploratory study was conducted focusing on OSP relating using 13 from Weizenbaum Institute were interviewed. an interdisciplinary research...

10.1007/s11135-022-01524-4 article EN cc-by Quality & Quantity 2022-09-13

Dataset distillation is attracting more attention in machine learning as training sets continue to grow and the cost of state-of-the-art models becomes increasingly high. By synthesizing datasets with high information density, dataset offers a range potential applications, including support for continual learning, neural architecture search, privacy protection. Despite recent advances, we lack holistic understanding approaches applications. Our survey aims bridge this gap by first proposing...

10.24963/ijcai.2023/741 article EN 2023-08-01

ABSTRACT The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years. This comes along with need to store and share research artefacts, such as publications data. For this purpose, repositories be established. A variety of solutions exist for implementing repositories, covering diverse features, ranging from custom depositing workflows social media-like functions. In article, we introduce FAIREST principles, a framework inspired by well-known FAIR but designed provide...

10.1162/dint_a_00159 article EN cc-by Data Intelligence 2022-09-28

Many scientists share preprints on social media platforms to gain attention from academic peers, policy-makers, and journalists. In this study we shed light an unintended but highly consequential effect of sharing preprints: Their contribution conspiracy theories. Although the scientific community might quickly dismiss a preprint as insubstantial ‘clickbaity’, its uncertain epistemic status nevertheless allows theorists mobilize text support for their own narratives. To better understand...

10.1177/20539517231180575 article EN cc-by-nc-nd Big Data & Society 2023-07-01

The Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) standard is a popular RDF vocabulary for publishing metadata about data catalogs and valuable foundation creating Knowledge Graphs. It has widespread application in the (Linked) Open scientific communities. However, DCAT does not specify robust mechanism to create maintain persistent identifiers datasets. relies on Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), that are necessarily unique, resolvable persistent. This impedes findability, citation...

10.1145/3543873.3587589 article EN cc-by 2023-04-28

Research Data Management (RDM) is essential in handling and organizing data the research field. The Berlin Open Science Platform (BOP) serves as a case study that exemplifies significance of standardization within University Alliance (BUA), employing different vocabularies when publishing their data, resulting heterogeneity. meta portals NFDI4Cat NFDI4DataScience project serve additional studies context NFDI initiative. To establish consistency among harvested repositories respective...

10.48550/arxiv.2404.13406 preprint EN arXiv (Cornell University) 2024-04-20

The NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) project aims to enhance the accessibility and interoperability of research data within Data Science (DS) Artificial Intelligence (AI) by connecting digital artifacts ensuring they adhere FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. To this end, poster introduces NFDI4DS Ontology, which describes resources in DS AI models structure consortium. Built upon NFDICore ontology mapped Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), serves as foundation for knowledge...

10.48550/arxiv.2408.08698 preprint EN arXiv (Cornell University) 2024-08-16

In software development processes, diagram editors play an important role. For instance, for creating UML diagrams are often used in early stages of development. Three input methodologies can be distinguished: traditional mode-based editors, sketching and gesture-based editors. Most today's use the mouse as device. (Multi-)touch inputs have not been integrated very well, yet, although a variety touch devices, such (multi-)touch monitors tablet computers, quite common today. this paper, we...

10.1109/vlhcc.2016.7739659 article EN 2016-09-01

This position paper proposes a hybrid architecture for secure and efficient data sharing processing across dynamic spaces. On the one hand, current centralized approaches are plagued by issues such as lack of privacy control users, high costs, bad performance, making these unsuitable decentralized spaces prevalent in Europe various industries (decentralized on conceptual physical levels while underlying implementation). other systems face challenges with limited knowledge of/control over...

10.1145/3543873.3587646 article EN 2023-04-28

The concept of a "Research Data Commons" (RDC) established itself as an infrastructure ecosystem for science based on open standards and federated resources to facilitate the sharing research data services. consortia German National Research Infrastructure (NFDI) have identified collaborative provisioning services be key importance functioning efficient RDC are leveraging different corresponding measures establish sustainable in line with international developments.

10.52825/cordi.v1i.355 article EN cc-by Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 2023-09-07

Based on our experience within the NFDI4Culture and NFDI-MatWerk projects we propose generalized knowledge graph based research data management solutions, which are applicable to other consortia. Our solution covers construction of a common NFDI core ontology adapted specific domains via domain extensions as basis for (KG) providing information about consortium its related software resources. This KG serves backend web portal that enables interactive access this data. Already implemented be...

10.52825/cordi.v1i.371 article EN cc-by Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 2023-09-07 is a controlled vocabulary that makes it easier for web pages to describe their actual content in semantic, structured and machine-processable way. It recognized by major search engines data aggregators, making researchers expose metadata describing research outcomes. Here we present how used (or planned be) some NFDI consortia, becoming lightweight approach harmonize digital objects coming from different sources so they can be connected each other meaningful way

10.52825/cordi.v1i.280 article EN cc-by Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 2023-09-07

©NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) is a consortium to support researchers in all stages of the research data lifecycle conduct their line with FAIR principles. The developed infrastructure targets from wide range disciplines science and AI. We present ideas NFDI4DS gateway portal. Two approaches navigate digital objects (articles, data, machine learning models, workflows, scripts/code, etc.) various resources such as ORKG, DBLP database, other knowledge graphs (KGs). Transparency, reproducibility,...

10.52825/cordi.v1i.391 article EN cc-by Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 2023-09-07

Metaphorical design is a Participatory Design technique suitable for problem setting and concept development. The can be particularly constructive when designing (computer) systems in an already digitalized environment. In such contexts, designers might tempted to draw on readily available technical solutions, thus hampering the discovery of new perspectives. Our use case development research data platform that aims provide innovative functionality, especially assessing exploring digital...

10.1145/3546155.3546666 article EN 2022-09-26

Visual programming languages are a common way for enabling end users to create simple, customized programs in their smart homes. Although visual aims at lowering the syntactic and cognitive barriers existing lack simple method accessing services of spaces surrounding home therefore restrain innovative capabilities users. For example, information about energy consumption or parking is often cumbersome limited with advanced technical skills. Based on expert interviews, we extended language...

10.1109/vl/hcc50065.2020.9127268 article EN 2020-07-16
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