Bianca Wentzel

ORCID: 0000-0002-9218-5676
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Research Areas
  • Data Sharing and Stewardship in Science
  • Data Quality Assessment and Improvement
  • Management and Reproducibility of Scientific Workflows
  • Clustering of Time Series Data and Algorithms
  • Positron Emission Tomography Imaging in Oncology
  • Design for Manufacture and Assembly in Manufacturing
  • Optimization Techniques in Simulation Modeling
  • Reconfigurable Computing Systems and Design Methods
  • Semantic Web and Ontology Development
  • Radiomics in Medical Imaging Analysis
  • Distributed Grid Computing Systems
  • Distributed Storage Systems and Network Coding
  • Parallel Computing and Performance Optimization

Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems

Weizenbaum Institute

Research Data Management (RDM) is essential in handling and organizing data the research field. The Berlin Open Science Platform (BOP) serves as a case study that exemplifies significance of standardization within University Alliance (BUA), employing different vocabularies when publishing their data, resulting heterogeneity. meta portals NFDI4Cat NFDI4DataScience project serve additional studies context NFDI initiative. To establish consistency among harvested repositories respective...

10.48550/arxiv.2404.13406 preprint EN arXiv (Cornell University) 2024-04-20

©NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) is a consortium to support researchers in all stages of the research data lifecycle conduct their line with FAIR principles. The developed infrastructure targets from wide range disciplines science and AI. We present ideas NFDI4DS gateway portal. Two approaches navigate digital objects (articles, data, machine learning models, workflows, scripts/code, etc.) various resources such as ORKG, DBLP database, other knowledge graphs (KGs). Transparency, reproducibility,...

10.52825/cordi.v1i.391 article EN cc-by Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 2023-09-07
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