- Semantic Web and Ontology Development
- Data Stream Management Systems and Techniques
- QoS-Aware Web Services Composition and Semantic Matching
- Information Security Policy Compliance and Awareness
- Digital Mental Health Interventions and Efficacy
- Open Educational Resources and Learning Object Repositories
- Internet Users' Information Privacy Concerns
- Workflow Mining and Business Process Management
- Wireless Body Area Networks in Healthcare
- Bacterial Pathogenesis in Animal and Human Health
- Factors Influencing IT-Business Alignment and Governance
- Scalable Peer-to-Peer Network Architectures
- Distributed Grid Computing Systems
- Global Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
- Microbial Identification and Diagnosis
- Cybercrime and Dark Web Activities
Ministry of Health
Regional Energy Agency of Crete
Institute of Computer Science
Hella (Germany)
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
FORTH Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser
University of Crete
FORTH Institute of Computer Science
Building the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine (EARS-Vet) was proposed to strengthen One Health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance approach.
Staff behaviour plays a key role in the cybersecurity position of an organisation. Despite this, behaviour-change interventions are not commonly applied within field cybersecurity. Behaviour change technique could be particularly beneficial given increasing concerns around healthcare risks; following 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack which had devastating results on services. Cyber-risk is concerning criticality medical systems and potential impacts cyberbreach or attack. In worst case...
European Healthcare organisations have met growing common challenges. Health services been identified at EU level as essential for the maintenance of critical societal and/or economic activities. Furthermore, patient safety and personal data are risk in daily operations. ICT penetration increasing connectivity devices within a healthcare organisation inevitably lead to dependency on them. Therefore, solid, cybersecurity prevention strategy is needed. Solidity depends its capability capture...
Personalized access and content syndication involving diverse conceptual representations of information resources are two the key challenges Semantic Web applications. In this paper, we investigate how these goals can be achieved using view definition primitives over RDF/S bases. We introduce a full-fledged language, RVL, for creating virtual resource descriptions schemas from (meta)classes, properties, illustrate RVL views composed with structured queries expressed in query language like...
This paper presents some of the personalisation services designed for self e-learning networks in SeLeNe project. A network consists web-based learning objects that have been made available to by its users, along with metadata descriptions these and network’s users. The architecture is distributed service-oriented. facilities include: querying object return results tailored towards users’ individual goals preferences; ability define views over metadata; defining new composite objects;...