von Daniel Vollmers ; vorgelegt bei Prof. Dr. Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, betreut von Dr. Ricardo Usbeck Tag der Abgabe: 24.08.2018 Universität Paderborn, Masterarbeit, 2018
von Lukas Brandt ; betreut durch: Dr. Ricardo Usbeck & Dr. Wolfgang Thronicke ; vorgelegt bei Prof. Dr. Axel Ngonga und Prof. Dr. Michaela Geierhos Tag der Abgabe: 19.12.2017 Universität Paderborn, Bachelorarbeit, 2017
This presentation was given at multiple locations throughout 2023. Our focus was on an introduction to ChatGPT-like materials for first-time users to professionals who want to improve how to prompt the models. Also, the second part contains ethical considerations around ChatGPT and LLM technology in general. The presentation has 3 parts: 1) AI in Speech Assistants (Slides in German "KI in Sprachassistenten" but mostly images) - Ricardo Usbeck 2) Unpacking ChatGPT (Slides in German) - Angelie...
1+MG / B1MG Maturity Level Model (MLM) Glossary
Ein Kurs zum Modell des internationalen Handels nach Ricardo mit dynamischen Graphiken Modellbeschreibung, Herleitung und Erläuterungen Alle graphischen Elemente sind beweglich, so dass Impulse gesetzt und der Wirkung sofort ersehegen werden können. Übungs- ud Selbstlernaufgaben
Oratostylum Ricardo, 1925 Oratostylum Ricardo, 1925: 260. Type species: O. lepidum Ricardo 1925: 261, by original designation. I have examined Ricardo's type material of O. lepidum in the BMNH and, as Hull (1962) gives such a good description of this monotypic genus, I merely present drawings of the male genitalia for comparative purposes (Figs 32- 34). Oratostylum is very similar to Remotomyia but has a very prominent facial swelling (Fig. 31) unlike that found in Remotomyia (Fig. 36)....
(en)Session 3: Safe assets Chair: Julio Durán - Banco de España, Speakers: Ricardo Caballero – MIT, Marco Pagano – ESRB/ASC, Markus Brunnermeier - Princeton University, Discussant: Jeromin Zettelmeyer - Peterson Institute
(en)Lightning Talks Ricardo Ferraz Leal "Leveraging Neutron Sciences with Django" Grant Jenks "Python Sorted Containers Module" Tracy Osborn "Hello Web App Kickstarter Campaign" Dan Dietz "Fabric Bolt" Andrew Godwin "Channels Everywhere"
(en)# 05 – “Generating forms via informed motion, a flight inspired method based on wind and topography data” Demircan Tas and Osman Sumer; # 06 – “Shapes and attributes” Rudi Stouffs; # 07 – “Generative biomorphism” Ricardo Massena Gago
Md Rashad Al Hasan Rony, Liubov Kovriguina, Debanjan Chaudhuri, Ricardo Usbeck, Jens Lehmann. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). 2022.
The files submitted are the codes and data for the Journal of Applied Econometrics article “Inflation Expectations and Nonlinearities in the Phillips Curve” by Alexander Doser, Ricardo Nunes, Nikhil Rao, and Viacheslav Sheremirov. Please see "readme.dnrs.pdf" in the files submitted. Please note that the structure of folders must be preserved. Folders "figures" and "tables" are initially empty but will be populated when the codes are run.
The 1+ Million Genomes Initiative (1+MG) Maturity Level Model (MLM) framework for implementation of genomics into healthcare was developed as a tool to enable healthcare systems across Europe to self-assess the level of maturity of their genomic medicine practices according to a common matrix, and define a path to optimization. As such, it aims to promote and facilitate the adoption of genomics in healthcare systems, and make personalised medicine accessible to citizens and patients across...
ABSTRACT: Dynamic statistical equations for the turbulent fluxes of scalars and momentum in incompressible flows are derived after time wise integration of the equation for the oscillating transported property, decomposing the turbulent fluxes in terms representing distinct features of the main and fluctuating flow that influence the respective turbulent transport. These expressions provide a means for discussing the gradient diffusion hypothesis for the turbulent transport, for...
ABSTRACT: Dynamic statistical equations for the turbulent fluxes of scalars and momentum in incompressible flows are derived after time wise integration of the equation for the oscillating transported property, decomposing the turbulent fluxes in terms representing distinct features of the main and fluctuating flow that influence the respective turbulent transport. These expressions provide a means for discussing the gradient diffusion hypothesis for the turbulent transport, for...
Resources |
Spermatophyte plants from Ordesa y Monte Perdido - Spain (https://deims.org/829a2bcc-79d6-462f-ae2c-13653124359d) for the years 1992-2017
[thing(name='EUDAT', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/af3e88642fcb4a968c449b262c6ed506', image='', identifier='af3e88642fcb4a968c449b262c6ed506', originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY)
This dataset is a collection of existing KGQA datasets in the form of the huggingface datasets library, aiming to provide an easy-to-use access to them.
[thing(name='Openaire Products', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://doi.org/10.57702/tue9isc6', image='', identifier='doi_________::be4ae5663e3f149698a0c8f5efe15b85', originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
Knowledge graphs are increasingly used in a plethora of downstream tasks or in the augmentation of statistical models to improve factuality. However, social biases are engraved in these representations and propagate downstream. We conducted a critical analysis of literature concerning biases at different steps of a knowledge graph lifecycle. We investigated factors introducing bias, as well as the biases that are rendered by knowledge graphs and their embedded versions afterward. Limitations...
[thing(name='Openaire Products', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://doi.org/10.48448/j7e0-1z65', image='', identifier='doi_________::f3cb000d65ecb752e871521c2c80dc17', originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
This presentation was given at multiple locations throughout 2023. Our focus was on an introduction to ChatGPT-like materials for first-time users to professionals who want to improve how to prompt the models. Also, the second part contains ethical considerations around ChatGPT and LLM technology in general. The presentation has 3 parts: 1) AI in Speech Assistants (Slides in German "KI in Sprachassistenten" but mostly images) - Ricardo Usbeck 2) Unpacking ChatGPT (Slides in German) - Angelie...
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/8238338', image='', identifier=8238338, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
Social media platforms provide a continuous stream of real-time news regarding crisis events happening on a global scale. Several machine learning methods utilize the crowd-sourced data for the automated detection of crises and the characterization of their precursors and aftermaths. Early detection and localization of crisis-related events can help save lives and economies. Yet, the applied automation methods introduce ethical risks worthy of investigation –- especially given their...
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/6857080', image='', identifier=6857080, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
The repo contains our final submission's refactored code for the Rich Context Competition. On a high-level, it contains modules for 3 different components of the pipeline: Preprocessing Dataset identification using a combination of simple dataset-search and CRFs based on Rasa-NLU Identification of methods and fields using vectorization and cosine similarity
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/3247674', image='', identifier=3247674, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
WD50K dataset: An hyper-relational dataset derived from Wikidata statements. The dataset is constructed by the following procedure based on the [Wikidata RDF dump](https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/20190801/) of August 2019: - A set of seed nodes corresponding to entities from FB15K-237 having a direct mapping in Wikidata (P646 "Freebase ID") is extracted from the dump. - For each seed node, all statements whose main object and qualifier values corresponding to wikibase:Item are...
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/4036498', image='', identifier=4036498, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
This is the RDF dump of DBLP released on August 1, 2022. The DBLP RDF dump is published to allow fair and replicable evaluation of KGQA systems with the DBLP-QuAD dataset.
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/7638511', image='', identifier=7638511, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
In this work we create a question answering dataset over the DBLP scholarly knowledge graph (KG). DBLP is an on-line reference for bibliographic information on major computer science publications that indexes over 4.4 million publications, published by more than 2.2 million authors. Our dataset consists of 10,000 question answer pairs with the corresponding SPARQL queries which can be executed over the DBLP KG to fetch the correct answer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first QA...
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/7643971', image='', identifier=7643971, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
This is the first public release of the RICardo dataset under the licence odbl v1.0. This dataset is precisely described un der the data package format. This release includes 368,871 bilateral or total trade flows from 1787 to 1938 for 373 reporting entities. It also contains python scripts used to compile and filter the flows to fuel our exploratory data analysis online tool.
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/1119592', image='', identifier=1119592, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/6645848', image='', identifier=6645848, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
[thing(name='Zenodo', alternateName=[], description='', url='https://zenodo.org/records/6645807', image='', identifier=6645807, originalSource='', source=[], rankScore=0)]
Organizations |
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Computer Science
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A collection of domain-specific lightweight ontologies for research data description. These ontologies can be combined with each other, or with others, like Dublin Core or FOAF, for a more comprehensive description. The ontologies were created in collaboration with researchers from scientific domains such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, Analytical Chemistry, Biodiversity among others.
Daily temperature and precipitation at Doñana LTSER Platform from 1978 to 2016
This proceedings volume focusses on the research track of ISWC 2017 conference for Semantic Web/Linked Data Community.
<pre><strong>WD50K dataset: An hyper-relational dataset derived from Wikidata statements</strong>. The is constructed by the following procedure based on [Wikidata RDF dump](https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/20190801/) of August 2019: - A set seed nodes corresponding to entities FB15K-237 having a direct mapping in (<strong>P646</strong> "Freebase ID") extracted dump. For each node, all statements whose <strong>main</strong> object and <strong>qualifier</strong> values...
<pre><strong>WD50K dataset: An hyper-relational dataset derived from Wikidata statements</strong>. The is constructed by the following procedure based on [Wikidata RDF dump](https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/20190801/) of August 2019: - A set seed nodes corresponding to entities FB15K-237 having a direct mapping in (<strong>P646</strong> "Freebase ID") extracted dump. For each node, all statements whose <strong>main</strong> object and <strong>qualifier</strong> values...