T. Mahmoud
- Particle physics theoretical and experimental studies
- High-Energy Particle Collisions Research
- Quantum Chromodynamics and Particle Interactions
- Particle Detector Development and Performance
- Radiation Detection and Scintillator Technologies
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University of Bonn
GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research
University of Giessen
A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
University of Ha'il
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
LIP - Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 nucleon-nucleon) and luminosities up 1034 cm−2 s−1 (1027 s−1). At core CMS sits high-magnetic-field large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel strip tracker, lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, brass-scintillator sampling hadron...
CMS is a general purpose experiment, designed to study the physics of pp collisions at 14 TeV Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It currently involves more than 2000 physicists from 150 institutes and 37 countries. The LHC will provide extraordinary opportunities for particle based on its unprecedented collision energy luminosity when it begins operation in 2007.
This report presents the capabilities of CMS experiment to explore rich heavy-ion physics programme offered by CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The collisions lead nuclei at energies , will probe quark and gluon matter unprecedented values energy density. prime goal this research is study fundamental theory strong interaction — Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in extreme conditions temperature, density parton momentum fraction (low-x).
We present an analysis of proton number fluctuations in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV Au+Au collisions measured with the High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI. With help extensive detector simulations done IQMD transport model events including nuclear clusters, various nuisance effects influencing observed cumulants have been investigated. Acceptance and efficiency corrections applied as a function fine grained rapidity transverse momentum bins, well considering local track...
Flow coefficients $v_{n}$ of the orders $n = 1 - 6$ are measured with High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI for protons, deuterons and tritons as a function centrality, transverse momentum rapidity in Au+Au collisions $\sqrt{s_{NN}} 2.4$ GeV. Combining information from flow all allows to construct first time, collision energies few GeV, multi-differential picture angular emission pattern these particles. It reflects complicated interplay between effect central fireball...
Abstract High-precision measurements of flow coefficients $$v_{n}$$ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>v</mml:mi> <mml:mi>n</mml:mi> </mml:msub> </mml:math> ( $$n = 1 - 4$$ <mml:mrow> <mml:mo>=</mml:mo> <mml:mn>1</mml:mn> <mml:mo>-</mml:mo> <mml:mn>4</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> ) for protons, deuterons and tritons relative to the first-order spectator plane have been performed in Au+Au collisions at $$\sqrt{s_{_{{\text {NN}}}}}= 2.4$$ <mml:msqrt>...
We present data on charged kaons (K+-) and {\phi} mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy 10A GeV. The {\phi}/K- multiplicity ratio found to be surprisingly high with value 0.52 +- 0.16 shows no dependence centrality collision. Consequently, different slopes K+ K- transverse-mass spectra can explained solely by feed- down, which substantially softens mesons. Hence, contrast commonly adapted...
We present first data on sub-threshold production of Ks0 mesons and Λ hyperons in Au+Au collisions at sNN=2.4 GeV. observe an universal 〈Apart〉 scaling hadrons containing strangeness, independent their corresponding thresholds. Comparing the yields, scaling, shapes rapidity pt spectra to state-of-the-art transport model (UrQMD, HSD, IQMD) predictions, we find that none them can simultaneously describe these observables with reasonable χ2 values.
There are many possibilities for new physics beyond the Standard Model that feature non-standard Higgs sectors. These may introduce sources of CP violation, and there be mixing between multiple bosons or other scalar bosons. Alternatively, a composite state, even no at all. scenarios have important implications collider as well cosmology, understanding their phenomenology is essential full comprehension electroweak symmetry breaking. This report discusses most relevant theories which go its...
We report on the first measurement of $p\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ and $pp$ correlations via femtoscopy method in $p$ + Nb reactions at $\sqrt{{s}_{\mathit{NN}}}=3.18\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{GeV}$, studied with High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES). By comparing experimental correlation function to model calculations, a source size for pairs...
We present the first observation of K^{-} and ϕ absorption within nuclear matter by means π^{-}-induced reactions on C W targets at an incident beam momentum 1.7 GeV/c studied with HADES SIS18/GSI. The double ratio (K^{-}/K^{+})_{W}/(K^{-}/K^{+})_{C} is found to be 0.319±0.009(stat)_{-0.012}^{+0.014}(syst) indicating a larger in heavier as compared lighter ones. measured ϕ/K^{-} ratios π^{-}+C π^{-}+W acceptance are equal 0.55±0.04(stat)_{-0.07}^{+0.06}(syst)...
We report on the investigation of $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}$(1232) production and decay in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic energy 1.25 GeV measured with HADES. Exclusive dilepton channels $pp{e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ $pp{e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ have been studied compared partial-wave analysis hadronic $pp{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ channel. They allow to access both...
We present high-statistic data on charged pion emission from Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 2.4 GeV (corresponding to $E_{beam}$ 1.23 A GeV) in four centrality classes the range 0 - 40$\%$ of most central collisions. The are analyzed as a function transverse momentum, mass, rapidity, and polar angle. Pion multiplicity per participating nucleon decreases moderately with increasing centrality. angular distributions found be non-isotropic even for event class. Our results fit well...
High-statistics $\pi^-\pi^-$ and $\pi^+\pi^+$ femtoscopy data are presented for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=2.4$ GeV, measured with HADES SIS18/GSI. The experimental correlation functions allow the determination of space-time extent corresponding emission sources via a comparison to models. source, parametrized as three-dimensional Gaussian distribution, is studied in dependence on pair transverse momentum, azimuthal angle respect reaction plane, collision centrality beam...